Windows Defender scans reported whilst running Avast

I had a surprising Notification flag this morning (win10 1903) stating that Windows Defender had found no problems from 3 scans. Afraid did not think to take a screenshot.
I thought Windows Defender was set dormant when Avast is installed and running?
Could Avast drop down to Defender in event of an Avast update. Looks like some Avast Secure Browser update has occured.
Using Avast free 19.7.2388 (build 19.7.4674.524)

The resident parts, yes. You can still run on demand scans, though.

I never run demand scan with Defender. So was not the result of that.

If memory serves me right I think I saw a setting that it would run a WD scheduled scan at some time frame, I’m fairly sure I changed this not to.

So you may not have set it to scan if the above is correct.

Had another instance of this Notification of Defender scans whilst running Avast Free. See attached.

Also had to do a Restart requested by Avast UI today. No reason given and I cannot see change to build version. I have 19.7.2388 (build 19.7.4674.531).

The setting that I see which gives a choice of periodic scans on my system is set to OFF.
I have never seen any notification :slight_smile:

See Attachment

That is certainly familiar and I disabled that shortly after I got my win10 system.

Looks like ‘rocksteady’ needs to ensure that setting is off.

I have just found the setting you mention, but I will probably leave it ON as should do no harm now that I know it is not an error.
Nevertheless, I would also be interested in anyones opinion and experience whether this setting should be left ON (seems default) or switched OFF.

IMO, you can safely disable it with Avast installed.

I too would also disable it, as there might well be an overhead, any virus database would have to be updated regularly (at least before a scheduled scan), by Defender, so there is that consideration.

+1 Yup

Thanks, I accept that advice.
Nothing is ever straightforward with Windows. I turned the slider switch OFF, but then immediately witnessed a notification that periodic scans had been turned ON! ???
Did a Restart for good measure.
Went into Windows Security again and found the UI now a bit different Opened “Windows Defender Antivirus Options”, found the periodic scan switch again showing as ON, so switched it OFF again (screenshot). No switch state notification this time round.

Edit: If you look at my earlier screenshot (reply #7) it was OFF in the first place. When you slide to off it actually changes to ON. So explains my rant above. So from OFF I have turned it ON then back OFF. So why was Defender doing periodic scans in the first place me thinks. I will see what happens in future days.

You’re welcome.

There are many settings in win10 from early on that were a pain in the backside for many users.

The defender periodic scans one you stumbled into was just one of these pain in the backside default options. I feel that too should be disabled when you install a 3rd party AV program, not just disabling defender real-time scanning.