I have recently moved from AVG to Avast however I have found since doing so that Windows Explorer will freeze and stop responding if I right click a file. Everything is ok if I left click it first and then wait a second before I right click it.
If I disable Avast there is no problem so it is definitely Avast that is causing the issue.
You are probably having a problem because of the remains left behind from the AVG uninstall.
When most av programs are uninstalled using the normal method, not everything is removed and these remaining parts will cause problems for any other av program that will be installed next.
Have you used the the proper cleaning tool for an AVG uninstall?
Well it looks like I have to go back to AVG for stability…
I uninstalled Avast
Tried right click in Explorer - now working again without crashing
Rebooted into Safe Mode
Ran Avast uninstall tool aswclear
Ran AVG uninstall tool avgremover
Tried right click in Explorer and still working ok without crashing
Installed Avast
Tried right click in Explorer and Explorer crashed!!!
It might be worthwhile trying out that shellextview.
Lots of folk use Avast without this problem, and without seeing the computer it’s pretty hard for an intermediate user like me to guess at the cause, but I do think that uninstalling Avast and going back to AVG is working around the problem rather than fixing it. (Ie: it might randomly recur.) Worth getting to the bottom of it, if possible.
Have you installed then uninstalled a lot of programs?
Running an admin account?
How many user accounts on the computer?
I’ve had this issue twice in Seven, system crashing after a right click, either on the desktop or file/folder, explorer could restart easily but a right click made it crash again. First time I had to reinstall, second time it disappeared after a reboot, never knew for sure what made it happen…(may be Eraser…context menu).
edit: I now remember exactly, it was indeed eraser. Just uninstalling it wouldn’t be enough to stop the crashing the first time it happened. It did the second time.