Windows Firewall AND Avast Firewall?

I’ve been a free user for years, and just upgraded to the premier,

I’ve always had windows firewall, and now have the one in Avast. Probably shouldn’t use two, so which one would you choose to keep on?

Use the one you like most.

That would rather depend on what OS you are using ?
Some don’t have outbound protection on the firewall; some have outbound protection but it is disabled by default.

Some have outbound protection that when you enable it, you have to make the rules and in some that isn’t very user friendly.

Windows 10’s firewall has outbound protection and most of the default settings are fine, Previously I had Outpost Firewall Pro on my two other systems WinXP and Win7, but on this win10 laptop I have decided to use the win10 firewall and see how it goes.

Sorry, I have Windows 7 premium 64 bit,

and don’t know much at all about firewalls.

As far as I’m aware win7 does have outbound protection, but it is disabled by default. You would have to enable it an create any outbound rules. This isn’t very user friendly but there are small programs to make it less hassle.

The avast firewall covers outbound protection and is relatively hassle free, however, recently it had an issue on the latest avast version (17.4.2294) not so hassle free.

I would suggest giving it a try and see how you get on with it.