I saw that after the Avast 4.8 home ed. was installed,windows firewall,was still active.
Is this a need,or can i turn it off.
Avast home does not have a firewall, leave windows firewall on until you find one you like. You can try pctools that works fine for me with avast . But make sure you have your firewall on .
You absolutely should have a firewall active; it is the primary filter for what your computer is exposed to on the web (after a hardware router, if connected.)
The Windows firewall does a fine job of inbound protection, but has very little outbound control, which may be important. Certainly worth investigating if you want to use a two way firewall, like the one mentioned above.
Avast is an antivirus. It does (IMO) a fine job of filtering what you then might choose to connect to, that may have been compromised.
If you want further (outbound) firewall protection, try:
Online Armour
Outpost Firewall Free
Personal Firewall Tests & Results. Firewall rating:
About the leak tests limitations: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=29259.msg247460#msg247460
Freeware firewalls:
Thank you all for the information, i thought that Avast home was an internet security programm that has a firewall included.
Thanks again
No, it’s an antivirus only (yet). On avast 5, by the end of the year, we’ll have the option of a suite (antivirus + firewall).