Windows Genuine alert after updating avast (program)

I’m not entirely sure it’s related, but I just updated avast free to 5.0677, rebooted the system, and as soon as Windows started an alert popped saying my Windows might not be genuine. Control Panel still says it’s genuine though, so I think it’s fine.
But any ideas about why this happened?

Windows 7 x64 Professional (MSDNAA)


While I can not help you, I am sure someone here can and hopefully, someone will soon.

Have you tried a repair of avast?

Hi vittau,

I’m not sure if my post will help you but I had a simialr problem with windows activation and a new graphics card, MS didnt offer any real solutions to the problem but I poked about a little and found I had installed a windows update > KB971033 < This was messing with the driver for the graphics card AND a drive for a antivirus program, it only messed up once either where installed after the update.

This update is regarding windows activation.

If you go to control panel, programs and features.

On the left hand pane, click VIEW INSTALLED UPDATES

Search down the list, if you find KB971033 you can remove it, reboot and see if that solves the problem.

Hope this helps you,


No, I don’t have KB971033 installed…

But there isn’t really a “problem”, because the alert only showed up once, and now Control Panel says Windows is activated correctly.
I just wanted to understand why the alert did show up at all. :wink:

It happened to me when I’ve uninstalled Comodo Time Machine.

It must be reasonably “normal” then…

Thanks for the replies. :wink: