This is very weird.
I came to visit my parents and loaded up the computer. I normally use Ethernet cable for network connection at home but here it’s a wifi wireless system. Everything has usually gone smoothly
but this time I noticed that everytime I launch a video game (an executable)file a bluetooth window pops up. The window is “received files”-window and has a bluetooth logo on it. But there’s nothing else on the window, no received files, nothing. It’s kind of a bluetooth file log but the log is empty.
I tried to see if bluetooth machines nearby were responsible for it (disconnecting one bluetooth machine from bluetooth) but nothing happened. After that I started up and disconnected my computer’s bluetooth. This didn’t change anything, the bluetooth pop up still come (on the task manager it says Windows Host Process, and when you double click → Received Files (with a bluetooth logo). When I quit the bluetooth window it disappears from the task manager, but the window comes back when I launch another exe.file.
What is this, why does it appear when I launch an executable and why has it begun acting just now?
Computer is Windows 8.1