Windows Live Messenger question

avast should not put a path in here(see the image below) to scan files when I download them?

Use ashquick.exe from avast folder.

Ok thanks, by the way one more question, What do I need to do to my mail scanner scan emails from windows live messenger? my mail provider is hotmail.

I don’t think it’s needed to point to ashquick, the IM module should scan anything generated through IM communications. As to hotmail, if you’re using DeltaSync (protocol) in Windows Live Mail, avast mail scanner can’t scan that. But the file shield will be watching :wink: If you’re only connecting to hotmail in a browser, the mail shield isn’t involved, it only takes care of email clients. Hotmail in browsers is http traffic.

Thanks for the help provided.

just checked: files transferred through WLM are obviously scanned by the IM module. You don’t need to do anything, leave the box empty in wlm settings :wink:

One more time thanks Logos