Windows Live Messenger

Hi :slight_smile:

Can someone please help me with… One Little Question! :-\

Is there anything I need to actually do myself …
To make sure that Avast Home scans anything that comes through Windows Live Messenger?

What I Mean Is…
Does Avast Home take care of Windows Live Messenger by default?
Is there something I have to do myself - To make Avast protect Windows Live Messenger?

Myself… I Hate Windows Live Messenger :frowning:
My Son… Loves Windows Live messenger 8)

I think I’ve done just about every setting I can find… To make sure nowt can come through the horrid thing.
Example… File Sharing! ( More Like … Virus Sharing! ) >:(
But you know kids! ::slight_smile:

I just want to be sure that if anything did manage to come through the worm hole ( Windows Live Messenger ) …
Avast would be on guard! ;D

Thanks In Advance! :wink:


Get to your tools menu in Messenger, click on Options.

Click the “File Transfer” section.

Then, check the “Scan for viruses using:” box

Then, find aswquick.exe and click ok.

As shown in pics…

Hi scythe944 :slight_smile:

Saw that box today … But didn’t know what to put in it then :-[

Now I Know! … Will Do! 8)

Thank You! :wink:

No prob.

I’m using Vista Premium 32bit and Avast version 4.8.1335 and I couldn’t find the file aswquick.exe even with a search of my system let alone in the Avast folder. What I did find is ashQuick.exe is this a new name for the same file/function?

It isn’t aswQuick.exe but ashQuick.exe:
This is where it should be, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe assuming that you installed avast in the default location.

Sorry about that, I typed it wrong. I’ll edit my post to fix…

Wait, no I didn’t, it’s just mine isn’t a “home/free” version I guess. Different file names. Or, maybe it’s different because it’s Vista?

I’m confused. Anyway, DavidR straightened you out hopefully.

Now, I just need to straighten myself out I guess.

Scythe -

Are you using Windows Home Server version?

It seems that aswQuick.exe is related to that version from what I could find. I might be wrong, though.

Are you using Windows Home Server

No, I haven’t set one of those up to play with yet. When I got my screen shot, I was at one of my “job sites”, and they have two servers, many clients, and I manage it all with the ADNM console. It says, “Avast Netclient edition” when you start up avast. It’s just a standard network client I suppose.

I’m actually used to the SBS Suite, but that site is a bit larger than my usual job sites, so they have standard servers.

Anyway, I’m assuming that the files are named differently for professional editions.

I got Vista and i find the ashQuick.exe so maybe he typed wrong right ?

Hi Everyone :slight_smile:

@ - scythe944 … Stop Panicking! :wink:
Yesterday I noticed that WLM was pestering to be updated to the new version ::slight_smile:
Rather than risk my 12 year old son taking it upon himself to install it…
Not Like He Would Really!
But I was a bit worried that he would accidentally click the link
I decided that before setting up Avast in WLM … I would install the new version of WLM today while he was in school.
And then set it up with Avast :slight_smile:
I did come back here first.
And saw that it was actually ashQuick . exe that I needed to look for … NOT … aswquick . exe ;D

Thank You To Everyone For Putting Me On The Right Path

@ - DavidR … Thanks! :wink:
Giving me the Full Path was a - Big Help! :-*

Does anyone know what this Tracking Folder is that comes with the new version of Windows Live Messenger?
Who is Tracking Who ???

You’re welcome.

@ - scythe944 ... Stop Panicking!

Wasn’t panicking really, just wanted to give you the right info. I’m glad you figured it out.

As for why mine’s called something else? Not really worried about that either, I’m just trying to figure out which version has which file names.

Glad we could help out.