Can someone please help me with… One Little Question! :-\
Is there anything I need to actually do myself …
To make sure that Avast Home scans anything that comes through Windows Live Messenger?
What I Mean Is…
Does Avast Home take care of Windows Live Messenger by default? OR…
Is there something I have to do myself - To make Avast protect Windows Live Messenger?
Myself… I Hate Windows Live Messenger
My Son… Loves Windows Live messenger 8)
I think I’ve done just about every setting I can find… To make sure nowt can come through the horrid thing. Example… File Sharing! ( More Like … Virus Sharing! ) >:(
But you know kids! :
I just want to be sure that if anything did manage to come through the worm hole ( Windows Live Messenger ) …
Avast would be on guard! ;D
I’m using Vista Premium 32bit and Avast version 4.8.1335 and I couldn’t find the file aswquick.exe even with a search of my system let alone in the Avast folder. What I did find is ashQuick.exe is this a new name for the same file/function?
It isn’t aswQuick.exe but ashQuick.exe:
This is where it should be, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe assuming that you installed avast in the default location.
No, I haven’t set one of those up to play with yet. When I got my screen shot, I was at one of my “job sites”, and they have two servers, many clients, and I manage it all with the ADNM console. It says, “Avast Netclient edition” when you start up avast. It’s just a standard network client I suppose.
I’m actually used to the SBS Suite, but that site is a bit larger than my usual job sites, so they have standard servers.
Anyway, I’m assuming that the files are named differently for professional editions.
@ - scythe944 … Stop Panicking!
Yesterday I noticed that WLM was pestering to be updated to the new version :
Rather than risk my 12 year old son taking it upon himself to install it… Not Like He Would Really!
But I was a bit worried that he would accidentally click the link :o
I decided that before setting up Avast in WLM … I would install the new version of WLM today while he was in school.
And then set it up with Avast Luckily!
I did come back here first.
And saw that it was actually ashQuick . exe that I needed to look for … NOT … aswquick . exe ;D
Thank You To Everyone For Putting Me On The Right Path
@ - DavidR … Thanks!
Giving me the Full Path was a - Big Help! :-*
Does anyone know what this Tracking Folder is that comes with the new version of Windows Live Messenger?
Who is Tracking Who ???