Guys today i noticed that my computer has decreased memory from 200 GB to 7 GB … i was working on a Project using Illustrator and Photoshop …
this is not avast related but please help me … the computer is currently slow … i tried to use avast clean up and several restarts and the memory did not come …please help …
Tried using windows 10 Storage but no solution came through
Out of 465 GB of disk capacity, only 7.51 MegaBytes is free? That’s not GB’s, that’s MB’s.
Surprised your system was running at all, as restarts would never fix the disk space issue as system storage is not volatile, as system memory is. Restarts will dump all memory at each restart and start fresh anew.
-What’s nice about this program is it will show hidden folders and files by default without having to change the Windows Explorer settings. As always, backup data you don’t want to lose.
Having answered your other topic, you really need to do some serious housekeeping and start backing up data to off-line SDD/HDD as 142GB of Documents is just crazy. There are others (Others and Pictures), whilst not if this size, but they too are massive and Pictures I would say could also be stored off-line.