Windows not genuine anymore?

OK, the alarm sounded, I ran what was suggested, which was to move everything to the chest. There they sit–what do I do with them?? Also, after the scan, which took a looooong time, I now have a message at the bottom right of my desktop that states “Windows Vista TM Build 6002 This copy of Windows is not genuine.” My version came with the laptop when I bought it…what’s up with that??? :-\ Help! thanks!

restore whatever you find in the Chest now…
see if some windows activation files are in the Chest too (wpa.dbl)…not sure it could have been wrongly detected though, most likely something went wrong with your time zones…check this too…call Microsoft and report your activation issue…if all fails, try a system restore to sometime before the bad avast update happened, then if needed… reinstall Windows (you must have a recovery partition)
Hope you updated avast to the latest VPS if not do it now. Report back to tell us how things go. Avoid scanning again if your avast isn’t updated.

enter safe mode and restore the files in the chest

sh, have you tried opening the chest in safe mode?

, Safe is not required. Make sure your VPS is updated, then re-scan the files from within the chest (right-click, select scan in each case) and using the same right-click method, restore them (in turn) if/when they scan clean.

How to tell whether your software is genuine

off topic here sorry, his Windows, according to what the OP says, is genuine, and something screwed the activation check… this happens on “very” genuine Windows, I’ve seen it happen ::slight_smile:

the key is encrypted inside registry?

Thanks to all who posted here, your quick responses are greatly appreciated. I restored the files as directed, and so far all seems well 8)…but it sure is reassuring to know that if there are any further issues, help is available! Thank you all again!

Hi readers of this thread,

This could be a useful tool to evaluate:


don’t know if you were just guessing but indeed, I’ve seen that happen once, and that was in Vista. Only way out was a reinstall.

I was told by microsoft for windows 7, if your new computer came loaded with windows 7, and you had to reimage for any reason or any other problem, they will reset your office 7 and/or windows 7, so that it will work when you purchased computer. :smiley: Hope this helps.

spammer was posting in this thread - since been deleted - sorry folks, shud have left it to the mods (will next time)

What happened to the system? I would be interested in knowing what to look for if this happens. Was it a virus? ???

@ Dijidog

I would go to Account Related Settings select Hide email address from public to prevent scammers and spammers harvesting your email address.

Why post to something posted April 12, 2010, 02:35:28 AM ???

The exact same thing happened to me! After extensive online research, I discovered that there is a thread on the social forums regarding the “not genuine” issue and G Data antivirus. I understand G Data uses Avast technology. I can’t help but wonder if the issue extends beyond G Data; ie is it the Avast components of G Data that are the cause?

I found a workaround to get my Windows 7 “re-activated”, but it was a royal pain in the behind. Had I known that restoring the two items in my Avast chest might have fixed the issue, I could have saved hours of work and research. I have to tell you, getting strong-armed to buy a new license (in my case close to $400 with Ultimate 64 bit) after paying for my OS was not pleasant. They already have a monopoly, does Microsoft really have to over-build their anti-piracy measures to the point that legitimate users have to face this kind of thing???

The G Data issue thread is here:

Is there any connection to the G Data problem and Avast 5.0??? If anybody DOES have an answer to this, please let the rest of us know. I think Avast is a great product, but if it causes Windows 7 and Vista to de-activate, then Avast needs to fix this problem post-haste.

I’ve seen this problem once in my computer (Windows 7 Pro 32 bits).
For other reasons, I’ve restored a Comodo Time Machine snapshot and avast never warned me about that anymore.
Something is fishy…

I’ve never seen it happen because of an avast! update.
I have seen plenty of computer that would up in that state after using windows update KB971033. ;D

WOW guys … sounds like a re-install to me … When you get those messeges … it is a sign that Windblows senses it is a Pirated version. Not saying your is … Mine is. Just saying … IF you guys come up with a solution … please let us know .

Hey there

I would like to know if you have reinstalled your OS and if it is OEM. If it is a OEM version then you can activate it once or and then when you installed it a 4th time windows will tell you that your copy is not genuine. Maybe you have to contact Microsoft.

Windows 7 has an alternative solution to such activation-problem.


click on Activate and then there should be “an alternative activation”. You will need to call a a toll-free number.

look at this link maybe it will help. and this
