Windows One care "Beta"

lol, Is this a Joke?! .

I mean after using Anti-spyware, I’m done with Microsoft and there piece of junk software. I’m just sticking with the OS Itself and nothing more ::slight_smile:

Microsoft should be a shamed in trying to go into the Anti-Spyware/FireWall business. They should lead that up too the leading company’s :-\

I’m not testing this out till further results come in toward people who test it out. Results from users always “Sometimes” count

I don’t see any single reason why this should be a joke ??? People are free to use whatever works best for them. By the way Alwil is Microsoft’s recognized partner I believe.

I’m still using MS AntiSpyware and haven’t had any problems with it.
Using their all-in-one One Care, is a different story.
The All-In-One protection method has always been bloat and hog ware which manages to
do a nice job in slowing down you system. From what I’ve read, MS One Care has that same
I’m perfectly safe with what I’m currently using and changing to something else just for the sake
of change, makes no sense to me. IMHO ;D

Anyone considering being an unpaid MS Beta tester for One Care should do some serious internet searching as there have been a number of reported problems with it including when you decide you want to get rid of it, it is hard to remove.

I also believe you have to remove your other security software that may conflict with it and unless this is on a test system and not your only system I would leave it well alone at least until some other guinea pigs have ironed out the bugs, etc. and it is finally released.

I like Bob don’t like the one size fits all bloated software suite approach. I much prefer to select the best for each task or what suits me and my way of working.

Yes especially if people start using 100 of different security related programs and each one uses cca. 18,656 K (VM size). When you add/substract everything, how can that be any better than just one utility with all those features inside which btw is also unbelievable system hog (I’m not arguing about that) ? There is just no logic… people really need to relax a bit when it comes to computer security. It’s not all that black… We all speak about those things so much, and as we all can see, there is not many out there (at least not here in this forum) who reported such a unbelievable hacker attacks or any of that matter…

As I said, people need to relax a bit, use a common sense and use computers for more creative tasks. One day after all those protection programs installed in our systems, our computers will become useless for other tasks. Simply, just because computers will not have enough free resources anymore to deal with other tasks.

I think the other companies should be affraid of Microsoft being so close of their business.
There is some things Microsoft does very very very well: software and business.
Against facts there are no arguments, I’ll heard from my father :wink:

Anyone considering it shoud just check out this thread which has just been posted about MS One Care problems

It also tells us about him and how he is relying on System Restore instead of using some good system (partitions/whole disk) image backup utility. We still don’t know is it just one isolated case or some other people would have same problems. We also had so many unhappy avast! users, they claimed avast! ruined their system and all they did was comming here and yelling. That of course doesn’t necessarily means avast! is definitely a buggy antivirus… no way.

I’m sure Microsoft programs are not 100% bug free, but still, none of those other software companies are perfect. Many people already reported all kinds of problems with latest Firefox release, and they are going back to the previous release. Even some in this forum… that doesn’t mean latest Firefox release is necessarily buggy, but it may be a case that some things doesn’t work to good in some certain curcumstances (configuration / combination of software installed on that system)…

It also tells us about him and how he is relying on System Restore instead of using some good system (partitions/whole disk) image backup utility.

We still don’t know is it just one isolated case or some other people would have same problems

Yes that they are your average Joe still using system restore because Microsoft (and MasterTech ;D) say it is fine and we shouldn’t waste money on other restoration products. So in that respect he is little different from millions of other windows users.

I only posted this link as having previously mentioned removal problems, up pops another occurrence of difficulty uninstalling it adding to the others I have heard of or read about. So to my mind that is a clear indication you you shouldn’t be using this beta on your only system without a serious fall back/exit strategy, disk imaging, etc.

However, long term use of the beta would make it difficult to go back that far without the potential of having it install/update programs installed/updated since installation of One Care. Not something to be taken lightly.

Yes. I also forgot to say that I don’t have any single problem with latest Firefox release, and all those complaints other people made I just found strange. Some reported that some themes don’t work with new version, and I really don’t see what is weird about that… we all know that even for some previous versions, prior to upgrade, it was always announced that many themes for older versions will not work with new version of Firefox. That’s why those theme makers have to update their themes and adjust them to work with new version of Firefox.

Also, I’ve noticed unbelievable increase in speed with Flash animations I do. Actually everything works at full speed as it suppose to work. 32 frames per second really plays at 32 frames per second now. I don’t know what they did, but it works perfectly now.

Yes, it is strange for alot of users to have such a problem with 1.5

Maybe they have something on there computer that has Infected the Browser :-\