My daughter is using WIN XP Home and gets the following message from a balloon popup from Windows Security Center:
Your Computer might be at risk
avast! antivirus 4.8.1229 [VPS 080731-0] might be out of date
I am using the same versions and am not getting a warning message. She has rebooted her system and she still gets the same warning. What do we need to look into now?
Thank you for the suggestion. She doesn’t have access to her computer right now, but she did say that yesterday she had opened the clock and suspects that she did possibly change the date. I will find out later.
On another note … how do I get in touch with an Admin or Moderator?
The way Windows Security Center works is very simplistic. In this case, it is comparing the release date of the virus definitions that avast reports to it (which seems to be correct) with the system clock. So, if the system date is skewed you’ll get this message.
Thank you … I do not see an option to send PMs to any of the individuals you mentioned. However, I am also missing Profile Owner options and have limited capabilities to change any settings on my Profile, so maybe that is the problem.
New members can’t use the PM function until they have 20 posts. This is to avoid abuse of the PM function by drive by spammers who sign up to the forums just to spam. Other areas of the advanced Profile settings will also be barred, that might be what you are experiencing.
Well … that explains it. Thank you! I guess it doesn’t matter that I registered in 2006 and haven’t spammed anyone yet.
I did try the “Help” file, but it didn’t provide the detail you have provided. However, it did reference the possibility of customization altering the expected behavior of the forum software. I looked for a FAQ file to explain any customizations or common concerns that new forum members would have, and didn’t find one.
The other issue I had been seeking an explanation for was why I could see the email icon (and my email address) even though I had “Hide email address from public” checked. I was very uneasy about having used the forum until I had a friend register and login and confirm for me that my email address was not visible to others. It’s a leap of faith to assume that others can’t see it … without that confirmation.
But … you provided visible “proof” … I can believe in what I can see for myself. ;D
A forum search has revealed that I am not the first and won’t be the last person concerned about this issue. Thank you for your patient explanation and example.