Windows security center

My windows security center keeps on telling me that my Avast is not up to date, yet I when I try to update Avast it tells me that I am running the current version. Should I just use the option in windows security that I will monitor the antivirus program myself?

NO, check your system date particularly the month and year and correct if necessary.

If it is correct do a manual update of avast!

Thank you so much. That totally fixed my problem!

I had that problem with AVG but i moved to Avast and it did that i first but when i updated everything was good. ::slight_smile:

Happy to help, which one of the two solutions worked for you?

lol, i bet it was the Update as i don’t see why people don’t check there date and time over a period of time

Changing the date and time. I was on the wrong time zone and my computer thought it was September 17th.

Ahh… i forgot about TimeZone Ow well…

:slight_smile: To Daphnej & others :

  For those with XP SP2 & its "Security Center", it is best to
  select the "Monitor the Antivirus Program myself" setting
  based on the article at :
  news/article/0,aid,119376,tk,021105a,00.asp .
  I think I saw a news item somewhere that Microsoft
  "fixed" the "problem" mentioned in the article, but
   who knows !?

Thanks for your reply. I haven’t had any problem since resetting my date and time but if the issue pops up again, I would probably just monitor it myself as it seems that Avast updates itself quite regularly.