windows server 2003 services being blocked

One of my managed sites run avast! the problem that we seem to be having is that when we try accessing services from the administrators menu it blocks it and also blocks License add or remove. so i cant add user licenses. i have tried to stop the script blocking and set the network shield to standard, but no luck, i know that they work with activeX but cant get avast! to allow it.
Any help would be great!!!

Ryan ??? ???

still got the same problem but found that it is avast blocking the activeX for the advanced services, anyone know how i can whitelist it or allow that activeX??? got some screen shots if anyone would like to have a look, let me know and i will email it to you.

Thanks!!! ??? ???

Ok had some feedback from other avast ppl.

“Looks like the script blocker got corrupt some how.
do a “repair” of avast installation. (Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → avast → Change/Remove → Repair).
If this doesn’t work completely remove and re-install.”

i have not tried this yet but will let you know when i have done this and if it works.

I also ???