windows server


I am trying to install a system for a demo where i am facing a problem with server 2008 and adnm

server is dual boot (server 2003 and 2008)at present but will use dedicated server when i try to install adnm i am getting error pls check image and log is any one using windows server 2008 32bit and sql 2008 express i try-ed with sql 2005 with sp2 also i am getting same error /message

which is best way to deply 35 machine on windows serve 2008 and adnm

the screenshot seems to tell that you are trying to install ADNM with the MSDE installation package, that package is not supported anymore on 2008, its been replaced with 2005 express or 2008 express.

can you described exactly which steps you do per screen from the installation (which options you chose and all)…


I am using windows 2008 ent ,i tryed using sql server 2005 with sp2 after fail i tryed to install sql express 2008 i finesh it with same error
on windows server 2008 i am using service pack also
pleaes tell me what other things u expect from me


well the screenshot tells that you are trying to install the MSDE version.

you probably downloaded the ADNM version with the SQL in it. In that installer you can choose to install with MSDE or with your own SQL and it will give you the ability to fill in the database servername (+ instance) and the SA account password.
i believe you possibly confused this step as bein the sql database server that you installed??

did you do this:

install win2k8
install sql server 200x with its own instance for avast
start ADNM installer
choose to fill in the database + instance?

you could download the ADNM installer WITHOUT the MSDE package (which means you are forced to give the name and instance of the db server) maybe you could try that too?