Windows Store missing from win10

My microsoft windows store has gone missing. I’ve done EVERY suggestion I could find online, but it’s not there. It’s grayed out. Troubleshooter doesn’t work, nothing works. Some said that Avast could cause it that I should turn avast off to see if it works, but I don’t know how to do that! (I have avast pro version.)
Has anyone heard that avast causes this issue? The store is completely grayed out. when I go to apps, it’s not there. I’m not a techy! I’ve done wreset… no go, done the dsim, no go.

Some said that Avast could cause it that I should turn avast off to see if it works, but I don't know how to do that!
If you right click avast tray icon (in lower right corner by the clock) there should be a option to pause all shields

Lots of tips here,

Avast Pro was phased out a long time ago, are you really sure that is what you have installed ?
Right click on the Avast tray icon and select About Avast that will give what avast program you have and the version/build number.

That said, if this were a problem with Avast I would expect to have seen many posts relating to this in the forums, I haven’t other than this one of yours.