Windows suddenly doesn't recougnise avast?

Until now, windows XP home ed. has been perfectly happy with my avast antivirus v4.7 home ed., yet just recently it has started saying that it cannot detect an antivirus program. All of the necessary services on avast are running. Windows does say that it doesn’t recougnise all antivirus programmes, but it has recougnised it all this time… Should i be concerned?

What avast processes are running in Task Manager, they begin with ash or asw (see image) ?

Which antivirus did you use before avast?

All 5 processes that are in that picture…

And I used Norton once upon a time, but I’ve used avast for a few years now.


Windows Security Center not recognising avast!
Frequently asked questions about Windows Security Center

Check this - Solution when Windows Security Center does not recognize antivirus or firewall


WSC doesn’t detect avast! -
Windows XP SP2, Start, Run, type cmd and click OK from the command prompt type ‘rundll32 wbemupgd, RepairWMISetup’ without the quotes and enter.


* Click Start, Run and type CMD.EXE
  • Type this command and press Enter:

net stop winmgmt

  • Using Windows Explorer, rename the folder %windir%\System32\Wbem\Repository. (For example, %windir%\System32\Wbem\Repository_bad.). %windir% represents the path to the Windows directory, which is typically C:\Windows.

  • Switch to Command Prompt window, and type the following and press ENTER after each line:

net start winmgmt


Try fully removal of Norton…

  1. Remove NAV through Add/Remove programs from Control Panel. Boot.
  2. Use Norton Removal Tool for Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Boot.
  3. Install avast! (or repair the installation) and boot.

Thanks for all your help on the matter, but I’ve tried everything here and nothing has doent the job! Plus the commands I was supposed to type into command prompt, I always got the message
‘—’ is not recougnised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Any ideas?

If not, so long as it’s not gonna cause me problems, I’ll just put up with it.

Strange… which command is failing?

net stop winmgmt
rd /S /Q %systemroot%\system32\wbem\Repository
net start winmgmt

Well below is what’s happening when i try…

Try first changing directory to c:\ type cd c:\ and try running the command again.

Same thing happens…

I have this problem in the past… If I remember correctly, bad Windows installation… it’s strange that it does not recognize ‘net’ as a command… Sorry, can’t remember how to solve it. I’ll keep thinking.

okay, thanks =)

Justin Directory,

You problem is related to a corrupt Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)repository file
which causes incorrect reports in Windows Security Centre (WSC).

After repairing the repository as described above by DavidR and Tech
may I suggest you install the update described at:
You should get and run a file:
WindowsXP-KB933062-x86-ENU.exe Size: 557 KB

This will make the repository more stable.
(FYI This update is included in Win Vista)

Hope this helps,

Justin Directory,

I can offer an alternative if your system doesn’t recognise the net command.

  1. Go to control panel and open Administrative tools.
  2. Click on services.
  3. Go down to Windows Management Instrumentation.
  4. Stop this service. Stop Security Center service too.
    Leave them to Automatically start.
  5. Exit out of this area to your desktop.
  6. Right click Start and choose Explore.
  7. Go to c:\windows\system32\wbem\repository.
    Delete this subdirectory ONLY. Let the others there.
    Sometimes, only by using Unlocker, MoveOnBoot or Delete FXP you can delete these files.
  8. Exit back to your desktop and reboot your computer (maybe you need to boot twice).