Windows\System\w51089j.exe contains sample of win 32 KOLWEB

I am currently running WINDOWS ME and have installed AVAST 4.6 HOME EDITION:

  1. Downloader ADR, Downloader DC, and LOP, were scanned and discerned by McAfee free scan service on 10-12-05. The background scanner “AVAST 4.6 HOME EDITION” has also been sending warnings that “A virus has been detected” with “ Windows\System\w51089j.exe contains sample of win 32 KOLWEB.” This last happens at random, online or offline. Avast was set for high resident protection.
  2. I have no idea where the file came from or what it may have been.
  3. I have no idea when it was contracted.
  4. I have no idea what the file name or extension may have been.
    I have run and scanned with AVAST at least 20 times both in SAFE MODE and NORMAL MODE to no avail…What should I do now?

File name looks like is randomly created so you can remove it in dos safe mode
“del %windir%\System\w51089j.exe”

Use some antipyware to scan you computer.

And can you send all folders path that contain just 3 symbols? You can do it in console/dos:
dir /AD /B /S ? ? ? > dirlist.txt
//no spaces for ?
Then open file and send here.
Most of vir and spies uses 3 symbol folders it is often “etb”, “bin”,“bar”,“etc”

And also clear al temp folders

Superglide if the post above only confuses you more than you are already try opening your Avast ,then through settings shedule a boot time scan and let the program have the system to itself.Yuo will probably notice it makes it much more effective.
Post back if you have more trouble. :wink:

I just got one more new stalth virus.

Here you can use Autoruns and ProcessExplorer to find what programs is running in memory and from autostart:

Thay have also function “google it” so you can find more about what program is what and remove unknown.

//In my first post i was just intrested if you got some 3 symbols folders on wrong places./do not care about them :wink: