Yesterday while I was doing Microsoft’s Update Tuesday Patches, Windows Update in Windows 8 Pro Edition kept shutting down both the Avast Firewall and the Avast Anti-Spyware software in AIS 7.0.1474 for a couple of minutes or so while the updates were downloading, is this normal? Thanks in advance. Please note that I do have Avast protected by a 10 letter password, yet somehow Windows Update was still able to shut it down temporarily.
I just updated from Microsoft on Win8 and did not notice this behavior, ???
No, this should not happen. Most likely scenario is that Avast! shutdown, when it did happen, would be when the downloaded updates were installing, as Windows Update may need exclusive access to the Windows system as it was upgrading/updating. Would keep an eye on this to see if it happens again under otherwise normal use, and report back here if it does. Scan your system with an Avast! Full scan just to be safe.
Windows Update does not shut down avast!
Something weird is happening. I suggest you repair your avast! installation through Control Panel.
Thank you guys for your responses, I first updated Avast to the 2012-12-13-00 Definition Files last night (I live in the U.S.A.) next I repaired Avast as Reccommended, and then finally I performed A Boot Time Scan with Heristics Level set to High, and Found setting set to Move to Chest. I have not logged in yet this morning to see if it found anything just yet, but I will do so very soon and then will let you guys know if it found anything or not.
Here is the Log File of the Boot Time Scan:
12/12/2012 20:32
Scan of all local drives
File C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3.6\share\autotext\bg\template.bau|>+BBcEEQ-1+BCE-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3.6\share\autotext\bg\template.bau|>+BBcEEQQU-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Program Files\LOdev 4.0\share\autotext\bg\template.bau|>+BBcEEQ-1+BCE-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Program Files\LOdev 4.0\share\autotext\bg\template.bau|>+BBcEEQQU-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Windows\Installer\2fe2e23.msi|>|>template7.bau|>+BBcEEQ-1+BCE-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Windows\Installer\2fe2e23.msi|>|>template7.bau|>+BBcEEQQU-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Windows\Installer\2fe2e38.msi|>|>template7.bau|>+BBcEEQ-1+BCE-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
File C:\Windows\Installer\2fe2e38.msi|>|>template7.bau|>+BBcEEQQU-\Pictures\2000001B00000CD200000CED63AA5866.svm Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.}
Number of searched folders: 27984
Number of tested files: 758835
Number of infected files: 0
P.S. LODev 4.0 is 4.0 Beta 1 by the way, just in case any body is wondering what it is.
{Error 42125 {ZIP archive is corrupted.} simply means the .zip file is password-protected and Avast! cannot open or scan it because it does not/cannot know the password. You will only see this error when a boot-time scan is run as full and quick scans in normal Windows do not look at these files.
Nothing to worry about.
Error by Avast! does not mean the .zip file is actually corrupted. It is not.
Apologize for the error above about Windows Update forcing a temporary shutdown of Avast!, should never happen, especially when Avast! is password protected. I do make mistakes once in a while, and unfortunately, this was one of those times.
Thanks, Tech, for stepping in and correcting that error.
Excuse me, but I was indeed getting a Warning in Windows 8’s Action Center that both Avast Firewall and Avast Anti Spy Ware Protection were shutting down, and the only time it was occurring was during a Windows Update. I will also note the the system itself was running extremely slow, especially while installing new software which seems to indicate that something or another corrupted both the Windows Installer and Windows Update, most likely LibreOffice, as it took a very long time for both 3.6.4 and 4.0 Beta 1 to install. I have since reinstalled Windows 8, so further identifying the problem is no longer possible, but I was indeed telling the truth that something in the Windows Installer was shutting parts of Avast down and do NOT like being called i Lier! Your message (Mchain) will be reported.
I also had Patch Tuesday updates on my Windows 8 systems both 32 and 64 bit and
it certainly never turned off any part of avast!
That still does NOT mean that it did NOT happen for me, especially if my Windows Installer was Corrupted. As I said, other products were installing very slow as well. it is obvious that something or another corrupted the Windows Installer.