Yesterday (Tuesday) I noticed the Windows Ready-to-install-updates Icon in the tray. I clicked to install. After install and restart I had a hard time reconnecting to DSL, and then kept showing server errors when I tried to go surfing. The HijackThis showed several duplicated lines in 09 and 014. I restored registry to before install and went to Microsoft site and manually downloaded updates. After restart all is now running fine and HijackThis now looks normal. I hope this was not typical for everyone.
I read several catagories every day here, and enjoy reading most of the threads. Some are a little hard to follow for various reasons. Document your problems, be explicit when you pose your questions, and try to keep your frustration level out of your keyboarding. These folks are experts and your questions will be answered when they are given enough information.
The behavior that you experienced with the auto Windows Update does sometimes occur with dsl connections. Sometimes the Update itself is corrupt but not enough to stop the installation.
Normally, rebooting the computer and restarting dsl fixes the mess.
You’re not the only one who has this. I’ve seen many peoples having the same problem. Still wasn’t able to find what is causing is but it is a known problem with windows automatic update. As alternitive you can always visit and do a automatic install from there. But there is another way also, which most people don’t know. You can actually download the updates and safe them to cd if you like. To dowload them go here: