Windows Update kb890830 download blocked on Win 8.1

I want to report a false alarm and an user experience bug.

So the false alarm is: Windows 8.1 x64, Windows Update reports that there really are updates to download.

And the UX bug is that you can’t resize the window to see the full info and you can’t copy the info to clipboard.

Strange, I never had this issue yesterday when I was updating one of my Win 8.1 systems.

In my understanding, you have enabled a setting in the web shield (warn of low reputable downloads) which is not selected by default.

This will mean that anything new/unknown to avast! which has low prevalence and other factors such as digital signature to alert a popup.

So this is not a false positive since you have chosen to set up avast! this way.

kb890830 was the windows malicious software removal tool, the update installed fine for me.

I don’t remember changing anything in the web shield. I enabled system hardening though. Do you think it changes other settings too?

Also it seems that update was downloaded trough HTTP. Either MS is stupid or there was a way to verify that file wasn’t tampered with in transit. Signed checksum, perhaps?

And there still is that UX bug. Can anyone forward it to Avast devs?