Windows Vista Beta1 - Avast Pro problem

I just installed avast pro 4.6 on windows vista beta 1 (64 bit edition).

With avast on-access scanner active, web browser (IE7) cannot open any pages (connection timeouts). If I stop avast, everything is normal.

I just wanted to report this issue.

Please stop WebShield provider. It is known not to work on WV. This will however definitely be fixed with the oficial Vista release :stuck_out_tongue:

Avast 4.8 running under Windows 7 Beta reported that it could not update because Windows could not verify the program, however after its first run it updated across the 'net without an issue.

This Windows 7 beta post may have been better in its own topic rather than on one about Vista beta from over three years ago.

When the problem occur for the first time? Just after installing? Did you boot?
I’ve experienced no issue with a VMWare installation of the Windows 7 beta.