Windows Vista will supposedly be released this year. Who will upgrade to it and who will stay with there current version of Windows they already have (XP,2000,NT,98SE,98,95)? Also do you think it is worth upgrading to Vista? Why? Each member gets 1 vote each, but anyone can see the results even if they have not voted. I voted that I don’t know because I don’t know what advantages Vista will yet have over my copy of XP.
Windows XP is a very good, stable operating system. XP was-is just a refinement of windows 2000 imho which at the time I thought was the ants pants. They are still finding and repairing holes is XP now and will continue to do so until it’s use-by date expires like 98. After all many people still use and love 98 and 98 is all they really need. I guess the real question should be what do you really want or need in a operating system? I for one am pretty happy with XP especially it’s stability and flexability. I’ll wait and see what Long-Vista brings. New OS’s are always exciting. If the hip pocket is in good condition $$$ I will seriously give Vista more consideration ;D
It appears a lot of people are very happy with XP looks like M$ finally got it almost right ;D ;D
Rumors have it that Vista will be released sometime in December of 2006. I will most likely stick with XP for a while after Vista is released but I am not sure. After it is out for 2-3 years I might buy the Vista upgrade pack to upgrade from XP to Vista instead of paying like $200.00 US, for the regular OS pack, when an upgrade is the same thing as long as you have some version of Windows.
Questions like this are in my humble opinion silly… of course you all will upgrade sooner or later. It’s the only way this World goes… you have to keep up with the things around you.
Just remember all those silly stories about SP2 and how many people never even thought of upgrading to SP2. Silliest thing ever. Now, if anyone sees anyone not using SP2, first thing they advise him/her (especially in this forum) to upgrade to SP2 ASAP.
Also, what’s unbelievable silly… now everybody adores Windos XP all of a sudden. I still remember all those stories about how “difficult” to use is XP and other things… simply, there is no Windows operating system as stable as Windows XP is… not to mention how easy is to troubleshoot your hardware/software/drivers problems, how much networking is simplified, and numberless other improvements.
I am sure many will still be afraid of Vista as usual when something new comes out… but I ask why ? We all need and want to learn more, and no one should be afraid of something new. Just remember how those stupid primitive people used to burn “witches” whenever and wherever someone brought something new. You had to stay stupid, or at least pretend to be stupid to blend into the crowd and stay alive. We are not living in the age of inquisition any more, so anyone is free to make up his mind best he/she can.
To answer that question… sure I will go with Vista as soon as it’s gold and out. I had a chance to play with Vista Pre-Beta 1 and Pre-Beta2… still many issues, but that’s why it’s not public beta, it’s something for developers and it’s something that’s still in deep development. All I can say right now, is that it looks and behaves promising and I simply can not wait until it’s out.
I will probably wait and see how many $-signs Mr. Gates will charge for his new OS. If it is a resonable price, I’ll upgrade. Otherwise I will wait until I get a new computer with Vista on it in a few years time.
I too will wait for the final release and the reviews on Pros & Cons, what are the minimum specs, hardware, graphics, etc. It may well be that like XP many had to update their system hardware and software.
So for me it isn’t simply a decision, will I upgrade to Vista if there are likely to be other costs involved, system, software, etc. then I will probably soldier on with XP Pro for some time, or as others have mentioned until I update/replace my existing system.
I’ll more or likely use Vista since it’s aimed to be more secure and safe. XP might be the most stable Windows but it sure isn’t that safe. It has more holes then a piece of swiss cheese. XP now has that nasty WMF exploit plus all the other viruses, spyware and malware and Vista is suppose to help stop that. As of now tho Linux is on my PC.
Although Vista is supposed to help stop that I have heard that you will still be required to use a Firewall, Antivirus, and an Antispyware program. I have also heard that Microsoft will pre package Windows Defender (Windows Antispyware) with Vista. Also XP is so far the safest OS Windows has released so far (not counting Vista because it hasn’t been released yet). Also click on the link to see what hardware you must have to support Vista.
P.S. Thanks for all of your votes and comments so far.
Have you people ever heard of “Nothing is perfect” : Windows Vista although might be just a upgrade for protection, the specs. for it to run are crazy and I could not believe it. But no matter now. I have 768MB of RAM which should be enough to try it out at least :-\
The funny thing here is that we will never see a perfect OS. The’re just keep on coming out with more and more…
Configuration assumptions for running Windows Vista are not accurate at all… not even close… first thing, Micrososft still doesn’t know will they run Vista with DirectX 9 or maybe even 10.
Besides, what is so strange with more powerful machine requirements ? We do not live in 1986 any more, of course we have to go with the flow. Everyone should be aware by now that you are not gonna be able to cope with new modern programs/applications/OSes on some old 386SX… of course we have to upgrade our machines from time to time. If someone is unable to do that because of financial situation, that’s understandable, but in that case, again because of his/her financial situation he/she will not be able to buy Vista, so no point in crying anyway.
The only real new requirement will be more RAM and video card. It’s not like anyone is asking us to buy a Cray to be able to run Vista. I just bought myself ATI graphic card (hardware support DirectX 9) under $70 CAD, and all those prices will go down even more… that’s for sure. Vista works perfectly on my machine with that card installed and 1Gb DDRAM. All real time graphic effects, transparency, bloor, all animations, everything runs perfectly… so as you can see, no need for some turbo expensive GFX card to be able to run Vista. Of course if you are one of those crazy gamers, and you simply have to have a video card that costs around $600-$900 CAD, that’s another story and not Vista’s problem…
New technologies brings us more powerful things… more powerful things requires more power… simple as that.
Newcomers include Windows Defender, an anti-spyware tool that Microsoft will also make available for free to XP and 2003 users, DVD Maker HD, Windows Mail (which is really just the next version of Outlook Express), Windows Calendar, and Windows Backup, which might be the first truly good backup application to ever be included with Windows.
Internet Explorer 7 improvements
In each release of Windows Vista, we get closer and closer to what the final version of Internet Explorer (IE) 7 is going to look like, and the closer we get to that eventual day, the more I like what I see. I've been using Mozilla Firefox as my default browser for a few years now, largely because it's more secure and offers so many more useful features than does IE 6. [b]But IE 7 may sway me back the Microsoft camp, God help me. It's that good.[/b]
Understand that I’m discussing the Vista version of IE 7 here, which will offer one key advantage that IE 7 for Windows XP will not have. That is, IE 7 runs in Protected Mode in Windows Vista, shielding the OS from both the application itself and any malicious files it may inadvertently (or purposefully) download. This extra bit of protection may finally make IE safe to use, and when you consider the vast array of useful new features this product includes, it’s kind of a no-brainer…
As well as this one:
Windows Firewall improvements
While the Windows Firewall included with Windows Vista build 5270 doesn't appear to have changed much at first glance, a lot has changed under the hood. [b]The firewall now supports bidirectional filtering, and not just inbound filtering as before, which is obviously a major improvement.[/b] Microsoft has also enabled advanced security features such as the ability for corporations to manage IPsec (IP security) configurations. From an end user perspective, Windows Firewall acts much like the firewall in Windows One Care Live now, though you'll receive notifications when it blocks a program (which you can disable).
IE7 to me seems good as so I’ve heard from my friends and the guys at work :). But all the Anti-Tools and such, I can’t work with Microsoft on that. The’re programs seem to not do as good as the ones in my sig. :-\ Anyways, I hope to get Vista in about a year or… so after it’s release that is… ;D