I have a Dell GX270 with WinXP SP2. While working with MS Support, (couldn’t d/l updates for WinXP), I tried to run Avast (installed 12/09) and it froze. So I tried to repair it, no avail, then uninstalled Avast and d/l and installed the latest version, and ran that. The following was reported:
Win 32: Bredolab-k
Win 32: Downloader-CTD
Win 32: MalOb-M-
Win 32: Bredolab-AP
Win 32: XBuk
Kuang2 (found in virus chest of Panda Anti-Virus, a previous anti-virus I thought had been removed)
My BIG problem at the moment is getting WinXP to start up my PC. When I try to start it, after the WinXP splash screen, it starts the chkdisk on drive:E or drive:F (I think these are the CD-ROM and the DVD-ROM) and reports many errors. However, I believe my CD-ROM is working. If I try to start-up in safe mode or with command prompt it goes to the screen showing the drivers loading but hangs up. Prior to the start-up problems I had deleted some files in the Startup Folder because I didn’t need them to load at start-up, all programs I was not using anymore-things like spywearstopper, Winamp, WinMX. My intention was to speed up start-up, but I must of inadvertently deleted something that’s causing WinXP to not load.
Can someone help me get my PC started? Is it possible for a virus to cause the PC not to start and prevent Windows from updating? Can viruses also prevent Anti-Virus software from updating and running?
I would appreciate any assistance offered.
Is it possible for a virus to cause the PC not to start
possible yes, but viruses like computers to run, so it can do what it was designed for......like steal your bank info, depending on virus type....
....prevent Windows from updating?....
yes if those updates will make it difficult for the virus to do its work....again depends on virus type
Can viruses also prevent Anti-Virus software from updating and running?
absolutely, again depending on virus type it will try everything not to be killed
(found in virus chest of Panda Anti-Virus, a previous anti-virus I thought had been removed)
Viruses have been detected inside Panda Antivirus files
About the problem with Boot into safe mode, it might be due to malwares running (with driver installed or a rootkit), so I guess Rescue Disc should solve the problem.
I appreciate your helpful replies. Sorry I am slow to accomplish your suggestions.
Dr.Web® LiveCD Emergency System Recovery Disk was able to access the PC and run scans, however Avira AntiVir Rescue System was only able to begin loading, but the actual program never came up.
Several strange things are showing up:
Documents and Settings are show to be drive D, not Drive C:
Drive F appears to be another partition on the hard drive.
I am not seeing any files from the regular user account I normally use.
There are many read errors.
There should be over 1 million files on the PC, less than 100,000 were scanned
I ran Dr.Web once and found 3 infections; I am running it a second time.
My conclusion is the hard drive is failing. When the scan completes I will run a hard drive diagnostic, which will take several hours.
Again, any comments about my issues are appreciated.
Basically, at this point I’ve given up trying to salvage this HD, due to the time and effort invested already, and I may not get any results. I didn’t even finish the HD diagnostic; only did the quick test and it’s showed several bad sectors. Removed the drive from the chassis, and want take a look at what files might be salvageable and recover what I can from it by putting it in an external drive. This PC was replaced last year, so I was getting it cleaned up to use for hooking up a security system and whole house audio, and would have wiped the drive anyway. This HD was the original primary drive, and was 6+ years old. They all fail at some point.
Thank you everyone who tried to help.