windows won't do a normal start

Apologies for appearing dim (it’s because I am.)

Just installed Avast - all went well - used the machine for a whole day - did a full scan (no problems) - closed down normally.

Next day - system won’t start - gets as far as selsct User, and displays my wallpaper and desktop icons, then freezes.

Only way out: off power at the mains - restart in safe mode - go back to System Restore point beyond installation of Avast. Now running unprotected (but running ok).

I’m using Windows xp 5.1, build 2600, service pack 3
Also Firefox 3.6.16 and Zonealarm 9.2.057.

I’ve been through this whole cycle twice now - had to re-install Avast in between of course - preventing Avast starting at startup didn’t solve it.

I’ve not re-installed yet since the second attempt, so don’t have details of Avast version etc - but it’s the Free one.

Any help much appreciated.


Try this build as there have been numerus improvement’s including compatability with certain firewalls
Download and save then delet your exsisting copy and reboot, run ccleaner then install new version, it is advisible to add exclusions to avast and zone alarm for eachother.

New stable release build 6.0.1091

download or update to avast 6.0.1091. This updates has solved the incapatibility with zone arlam firewall

Good call, craigb - and also ANHTHU5991 - 1086 fixed it - I installed yesterday but waited till this morning to see if normal start-up worked ok. Guess I’d better move on to 1091 asap.

Thanks again
