Windows XP logon problem (problem with explorer.exe)

Hello, please, let me describe my problem …

After some actualization few days (1 or 2 weeks ago) a problem started to occur in my Windows XP with Avast free (smallest installation).

After OS start when I try to log in, logon process hangs, Explorer.exe doesn’t start up to desktop. I must run taskmanager, stop explorer.exe and start it again as a new task.

There is unknown process running: 0d79850e-6a6b-4355-b7c5-e9c8bd81df15.exe (I have tried to reinstall Avast, before reinstallation there was two similar processes). This exe file is located in C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\emupdate.

My deduction is - any afterlogon update routine stuck?

Did anybody already seen such behavior?


C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\emupdate.
Avast emeregency updater..... search forum for info

Easiest way to test whether that is the culprit is to use CCleaner > Start Up > Scheduled Tasks and disable, not delete, the avast! Emergency Update entry which is what that .exe file is.

Try rebooting and seeing if the logon problem is solved. I suspect Avast will give you dire warning messages that you’ve turned off auto-updates.

If it is this then you could try the Repair option from Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Avast.

But, from past evidence here, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to do a full unistall/reinstall of Avast using the forum recommended toolset. Good luck.