Windows XP Mode in Windows 7

I read somewhere that Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 won’t inherit any security from the host. Is that true? If Windows 7 had avast! installed on it, XP Mode wouldn’t get any protection from Windows 7’s avast! and I would have to install another copy on XP Mode?

Is other virtualization software like this?

Is other virtualization software like this?

yes. all are.

Yeah, that’s sort of the point of virtualization software. It runs on the underlying hardware, but it’s completely “software independant”. Which means that the two systems are completely seperate from each other, even though the same machine is running them both.

Two different systems, two different AV products.

Hi Go Pack Go,

But whatever OS you use, using normal user rights enormously inhibits the workings of 97% of known Windows malware,
