Windows XP pro upgrade on slow puter

I inherited the upkeep on the computer at work. The previous owner removed Win98 and installed Win XP pro. Everest Home Edition tells me that this CPU runs at 233MHz. The “suggestion” below this says the minimum suggested speed is 300MHz. Other than running slow (which it definately does) is there another reason? How hard is it to upgrade?


On a computer that old several things should be considered for that type of upgrade. The amount of RAM (memory). One opinion of some folks is that you would need at least 128 mbs of memory for Win Xp to function correctly. Well, I believe for my own reasons that at least 256 mb of ram is needed.
At my place of employment several older pcs that had been running Win 98 were upgraded to WinXp. They were brought in due to having infections but I noticed that they were very slow in processing commands off line or on line. Making sure that you have the correct drivers for some of the changes such as the modem is necessary. Some of the older dial-up modems will not work with XP unless they can be updated driver wise, or you may end up having to get a new modem.
It may be that the pc your talking about will work just fine without any of what I have mentioned. Just use it I guess and see how it works. :slight_smile:

Using this computer is like watching paint dry! The dial up runs at a mere 4.5K most of the time. I had blamed it on bad phone lines (we have a lot of cross talk). Do you feel this is because the driver needs to be upgraded? I have installed most of the security you see in my signature onto this computer also. It has 128 Mb of RAM.

128 MB imho is definetly not enough for this machine with XP…
but why not keep/reinstall W98 on it ?

or do you need/want XP ?
Then maybe a MoBo/CPU upgrade is necessary for smooth working, but I’m not sure if this is worth the trouble & the $s

P.S.: 4.5K (as in kiloBytes) for dial-up (56k-modem??) is not unusual for average-to-bad phone lines, and not necessary related to the slow PC itself

If I re-install WIN 98, you feel it would run faster? There is no particular reason other than the computer came (to me) with it to keep WIN XP pro. The original owner probably still has the WIN 98 disc and I can obtain it from him. I appreciate this help folks!

Sure it will… As it was said, 128Mb is not enough for XP :cry:


I notice you mention the speed of the modem at 4.5 kb per sec. As mentioned that is normal for a dial-up modem on normal phone lines. But, I guess I am confused. You say you inherited this computer for your own use? But, I also see in your signature that it looks like you already have and are using DSL. If thats the case why would you be concerned about a dial-up modem issue?? ::slight_smile:

Sorry Neal if I was a bit confusing here. Although it has similar security to my computer at home (on DSL), this computer is at work, on dial up, over poor telephone lines. After we do some needed roof repairs, the next project is to replace the telephone lines. Hopefully instead of 4.5K we will be able to utilize the 45+K the ISP supports. We have pretty much decided to go back to WIN 98 rather than try to update this machine. I appreciate all the advice.
