Windows XP Screensaver and Synchronisation Manager Problems

I am using Windows XP and Avast! 4 Home Edition.

Since I have installed Avast! 4 Home Edition on my PC my Windows screensaver has become very slow. If I try to do anything in the Screen Saver tab of the Display Properties, the response is very slow and appears to have crashed. Eventually control is returned to me until I make another change or selection on the Screen Saver tab.

Also, I use the Synchronisation Manager to synchronise 3 different offline webpages but this also crashes. To get out of this, I have to stop synchronisation of the web pages. I am then notified that “Offline Synchronisation does not seem to be responding. Do you want to cancel synchronisation?” I click on yes. The Synchronisation Manager then closes and all open windows are refreshed and updated.

I would be grateful for any assistance that anyone can offer.

Many thanks,

Tony, wellcome to forums.
I have no problems with the Screen Saver and avast.
What screen saver are you using?
Are you using it ‘with’ avast screen saver or not? I mean, does avast ‘load’ your screen saver while scanning?

What do you mean with ‘crash’?
Is your avast updated? How do you connect the Internet: dial-up or DSL?
Did you set this into the avast settings (Update (Advanced))?

Hi Technical!
Many thanks for your prompt reply.

In answer to your questions:

 1)   No, Avast is not set to load the screensaver
       while scanning.

 2)   I am using the Windows screen saver 
       "3D Flying Objects" but the same thing happens
       with all windows screen savers.

 3)   I have now set that I use a dial-up connection

Unfortunately, the Windows XP Screen Saver settings in the Display Properties and the Windows XP screen savers are still not working properly and the Synchronisation Manager is still not working properly either.

I look forward to your reply.

Many thanks,

It must be… Choose the avast screensaver and then click on ‘Configurations’ to choose other options and the screen saver itself (the one that will be loaded).

What do you mean? Can’t you synchronize a web page?

Many thanks for your prompt reply.

In Windows there is a useful utility which allows one to download webpages to your PC for viewing when offline. A schedule may be setup to enable it the update these pages when I go online again.

The program which does this is call Synchronisation Manager. It is supplied with Windows and may be found in START/All Programs/Accessories.

Since I have install Avast! 4 Home, the Synchronisation Manager attempts to download these webpages but it freezes at the beginning of the download.

Many thanks again.
