windows xp security center

my windows xp security center alert keeps popping up saying it has found multiple antivirus programs on one of my computers,is there somewhere where this is stored so i can clear this?i only have one now avast,i know i can turn this alert off but i would like to fix this,thanks bri

i only have one now avast
What did you have before? Judging by the message you're receiving, there must still be some remnants left from the AV you had on your system.

bob,this was a computer that was given to me by a family member ,and before i installed avast it would say ashampoo a ntivirus is turned off,now that avast is there it says multiple?i searched the computer for ashampoo but find nothing?

These are probably registry entries that a causing this. Have you checked the registry for left over ashampoo entries? ???


  1. Be sure that Ashampoo was gone away (uninstalled completely) and not only disabled or deleted.
  2. If that does not work, follow:

i searched the computer and registry no sign of ashampoo,tech i looked at the link in the post and it says delete only sub directories what files or folders is that?

Delete the folder and the files into:

Let there:
and all files into the root c:\windows\system32\wbem*.*

cant delete thres a file in there index.btr it says is being used?

Use something like Unlocker or MoveOnBoot to remove files at next boot.

But did you follow steps 1 to 5 before trying to delete?

If so, and it does not work, use Unlocker or Killbox to do it.

Oopss… David was faster… 8)

ok guys i downloaded and used moveonbot(thanks davidr) and it worked,all is good thanks guys

No problem, though my favourite is Unlocker because of its additional functionality, not that I have to use it much though.