Windows XP SP 3 is still supported?

I have a problem to make active avast on Win XP with SP3 is still suported?

If you check my signature below my posts, you will see that is my default system XP Pro SP3 and no issues.

What errors are you getting displayed ?

Can you give more details about your system:
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
What other security based programs do you have installed (antivirus, anti-spy/malware, firewall) ?

avast 2016.x will work on XP SP3 but only if your system supports SSE2.
It will not work on systems that don’t support SSE2.

Another sneaky thing from avast.
On their website they said XP SP3 w2as supported.
And after I complained that it was incomplete/incorrect information, they added that SSE2 must be supported.
Not telling the users about it.
They promised to keep supporting XP and never mentioned the change.
This means b.t.w. that avast also will not work on Vista and W7 if the system can’t handle SSE2 instructions.
Millions of people simply can’t use avast anymore and avast is wondering why they are rapidly using customers…

I had few issue but afer do this:
when i want update database of viruses i have:

“server rpc is unavailable”

in attachment i added unclickable buttons

my CPU SSE2 is supporting SSE2 :wink:

Make sure all (previous) installed av’s are removed before installing avast.
Links to instructions/removal tools >

Perform a repair of avast.

If 2 doesn’t solve it, perform a clean installation of avast.

afaik AVAST 10 and 11 have huge issues versus Kerio firewall drivers/services on WindowsXP
including bsods and similar …

Also Spybot needs to go…!!

Now, that may answer a question I have.

I have two machines, both Windows XP SP3. One has SSE2, the other does not. One has updated to Avast 2016, the other has not, insisting that it’s up to date (it has Avast 2015). Still gets definitions, though.

Am I right? is it worth trying 2016 anyway?

No, 2016 will not even install on the non SSE2 system.
Keep 2015 on it.

OK Eddy, thanks. Now if I can just find an offline installer somewhere in case I ever reinstall Windows…