Wingate access denied

hi all
when i open wingate i recive this error please help me out

first of all i like to point out that im not familiair with wingate, next to that tho people here probably will be willing to help you out with solving your login problem, this is not the forum to solve software issues that the Avast team didnt build, unless it is avast that created the problem

i suggest u go to the forum from the wingate creators to get this problem solved

Hi Meher,

May i know do you have any experience to run avast! antivirus with wingate?
Because from your screen shoot that you using others brand, i don’t think it would be pleasure to submit your issue in here, but instead if you use avast! antivirus and combine with others brand it shouldn’t be a problem.

Yanto Chiang
Prima Partner Infotek, PT.

Dear All,

After we tried to combine avast! with wingate keeper, and got referenced from avast! technical team to disable ENS (Extended Network Service) at Wingate and it was worked properly.

Today we had tried either to activate Webshield and Outlook scanning with Wingate, and there was no any problem.

Thanks for avastTech team, specially for Petr Bucek.


Yanto Chiang
Prima Partner Infotek, PT.