WinMX and Outlook Express?

I downloaded Avast because I thought it can be used with P2P and Outlook Express.

When I try to configure it, it only says Outlook/Exchange and the P2P Shield WinMX option is blanked out (2000, NT, XP only).

This computer has Win98SE.

Can I use Avast with Outlook Express and WinMX, and if so how do I configure it?

The provider Outlook/Exchange is only for full Outlook, not Express. To protect Outlook Express, the Internet Mail provider is used (you can run the Mail Protection wizard to easily configure the protection).

The WinMX protection, however, is really WinNT only - you can’t enable it under Win98. Sorry.

Anyway, you can configure Stardard Shield to scan the specific files extension of p2p (Additional extensions) :wink: