Winsok error after deploy


I am seeing the following in some of the clients error logs:

22/02/2007 14:05:31 ANTIVIRUS 90 Third server conn attempt (last good: failed (error 00002741).
22/02/2007 14:05:40 ANTIVIRUS 90 Cannot connect Server lookup didn’t find any AMS’! socket, WinSock error 0x00000000 has occurred.
22/02/2007 14:05:40 ANTIVIRUS 90 CClient:: PopupThread - GetConnection failed (0x7FFF3002).

What do the three winsock errors mean ?

I can deploy Avast Client but I can’t update it and computers still shows as without agent.

Is this a fresh install of the netclient? Or has it been communicating in the past?

If it’s a fresh install, is the AMS address specified correctly in the installation package you used to install the product?

Anyway, to solve the problem, please have a look here:
