Winzip not responding

Dear Forum,

My version of Winzip 16.5 stopped responding. I double-clicked it to start, and nothing happened.

I uninstalled it, followed the steps for manual removal (, downloaded the latest version and reinstalled it.

I also deleted the Winzip folder from ‘C:\Programdata’. A search of the harddrive shows no matches for ‘winzip’.

Although the reinstall ended with ‘Winzip has been successfully installed’, the same problem occurs: I double-click it to start it, but nothing happens.

Does anybody have any ideas how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance!


Does anybody have any ideas how to fix this problem?
solution use 7zip ;D

Ja! Det vet jag! :slight_smile:

Men jag ville fråga vad för ett problem det är med Winzip! Några idéer? :slight_smile:


I too would be getting rid of winzip (not trying to resolve the problem), there are plenty of other options that are as good or better (and free), I abandoned winzip many years ago it just got too bloated and they started charging for it. I fine 7zip an excellent archive tool, very easy to use and good compression in a small footprint.

This link shows some other options and 7zip is one another is PeaZip which essexboy uses. Either of these I would choose over winzip and they are free.

Thank you for the response!

@Avastfan1 har ikke løsningen på winzip problemet men 7zip er den best zipperen jag har brukt, enkel og gratis

Tack ska du ha Pondus!

Det har jag redan laddat ned och installerat! Skiter på Winzip :slight_smile:

Hoppas allt går bra i Norge då?


English please !!!

He need to practise his swedish Bob :slight_smile: