[Wish] Analyze files before accepting them to Hardened Mode exclusions

I’ve talked about this before ages ago and nothing happened about this. So, I’m posting again. Big update is incoming in 2017 and it would be a shame leaving such important things out of it again.

If you use Hardened Mode, either Moderate or Aggressive, whenever you run a file that is suspicious or not whitelisted, you get a Hardened Mode popup. And here is where things get less perfect…

Undesired behavior
If you click “Add exclusion”, you essentially bypass Hardened Mode, DeepScreen and CyberCapture before file gets evaluated by any of them because anything treated by Hardened mode doesn’t even go through those 3 security checkpoints, making it actually more dangerous than just leaving avast! in default configuration, allowing it to scan the file with all the measures it has.

Desired behavior
When you click “Add exclusion” on Hardened Mode popup, avast! should first check the file with CyberCapture or at least DeepScreen before adding it to exclusions, eliminating potential bad user decision to exclude it anyway.

I mean, this way you ensure double safety, because in the end, decision is entirely down to user as things stand at the moment and user can make mistake adding it to exclusions list. DeepScreening it or CyberCapture check it before actually adding file to Hardened Mode exclusion would at least partially eliminate that possibility of infection.

Yes I agree :slight_smile:

In general : Avast realtime system protection modules should be working together in clear decision ( if then else ) structures, for both online and offline scenario’s.

Greetz, Red.