wonderful forum

I just want to express my gratitude for this forum. I can’t imagine getting along without it.

I have at times been attracted to other AVs and considered switching, but the thing that keeps me with Avast, apart from the fact that it is an excellent AV, is this forum and the helpful people who are always here.

I am such a novice that I unfortunately can’t offer much, except to tell them to get Avast for their computers.

Keep up the good work. It is appreciated more than you think.

Hi greyowl,

Thank you for your friendly words.
We stand on each other’s shoulders,
so to say to-day’s victim can be assisted by yesteryear’s.

I arrived in that position here over a decade ago,
and now I have come so far that I specialized in
volunteer third party cold reconnaissance website security scanning.

This all thanks to this wonderful platform
and all the wise lessons I learned here from many a specialist.

I cannot thank Avast enough for giving that to me.

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

Wow! Well said.

Yes Agreed. ;D

Yes, most of those who have been long term forum users started out asking questions, who over time progress to answering them ;D

Yes and we have had to learn as Avast developed. For example there was no sandbox or safezone or secureline or Karma Points etc etc etc in version 4 and 5 and so on ;D :wink:

Well said and true.

Thanks greyowl, it’s good to see/read some positive feedback now and then. :smiley:

Thanks greyowl. It’s always great to see and read comments and positive feedback from people like you :). Like you, I had also switched from many free and paid antivirus software like Norton, McAfee, Panda Cloud Antivirus Free, MSE, and Trend Micro. I had some good and bad years from using these antivirus software.

At one point I kept using MSE and what made me switch and use Avast Free forever is from my younger brother. He did many research and readings about Avast and he installed it and told me about it. That was when Avast released the Avast 7. So he told me to install it and I listened to him. Once I installed Avast drum roll please OMG!!! A AWESOME AMAZING FANTASTIC BRILLIANT Antivirus. One of the best of the best antivirus software out there I have ever used. The functions and features that Avast provides is freaking amazing and not just the antivirus software, the support that we get from Avast i.e. Avast Support Ticket and the help/assistance that users get from this forum is all for free and first class no. 1 :slight_smile:

Since the switch I don’t have any regrets. I first used Avast when they released version 7 and I am still using it including my younger brother.