Word Press with insecurity and malware..

See: https://urlquery.net/report/0df279d6-2965-4ab9-8404-708a75aad729

Not flagged by

Reputation Check
Google Safe Browse: OK
Spamhaus Check: OK
Compromised Hosts: OK
Dshield Blocklist: OK
Shadowserver C&C: OK
Web Server:
IP Address:
Hosting Provider:
Secured Servers LLC
Shared Hosting:
83 sites found on

WordPress Plugins

The following plugins were detected by reading the HTML source of the WordPress sites front page.

wti-like-post 1.4.4 latest release (1.4.4)
featured-video-plus 2.3.3 latest release (2.3.3)
jetpack 5.8 latest release (6.0) Update required
awesome-weather latest release (1.5.15)
lazy-load-for-videos 2.3.1 latest release (2.3.1)
all-in-one-seo-pack latest release (2.5) Update required
contact-form-7 5.0 latest release (5.0.1) Update required
Plugins are a source of many security vulnerabilities within WordPress installations, always keep them updated to the latest version available and check the developers plugin page for information about security related updates and fixes.

Warning Directory Indexing Enabled

In the test we attempted to list the directory contents of the uploads and plugins folders to determine if Directory Indexing is enabled. This is an information leakage vulnerability that can reveal sensitive information regarding your site configuration or content.

/wp-content/uploads/ enabled
/wp-content/plugins/ disabled
Directory indexing was tested on the /wp-content/uploads/ and /wp-content/plugins/ directores. Note that other directories may have this web server feature enabled, so ensure you check other folders in your installation. It is good practice to ensure directory indexing is disabled for your full WordPress installation either through the web server configuration or .htaccess.

Vulnerable jQuery library detected: https://retire.insecurity.today/#!/scan/64e75056bbd7734ec9ed07896ef963e784ff44c358a7a611b7f447a93a67de28

F-grade status and recommendations: https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/www.bucovinatv.ro

The scan has detected some potential problems in these files. First scroll down through the code listed out after the list of links, this is the code returned by the request for the URL you entered and check for any problems. Next, these link(s) will open the individual URL(s) in this tool, check through the code that is returned, compare the code being returned to a know clean copy, etc. Note: Typically when you get a lot of files like that it indicates a hack in a common file such as a header or footer.

1 →
2 → /csm-suceava-a-pierdut-in-fata-rc-barlad/
3 → /suceava-pe-bicicleta/
4 → /student-pentru-o-zi-a-doua-etapa/
5 → /foresta-a-pierdut-cu-cs-afumati/
6 → /sfantul-gheorghe-purtatorul-de-biruinta/
7 → /ghervazen-longher-reales-presedinte/
8 → /doua-masini-folosite-in-transportul-ilegal-de-tigari-confiscate/
9 → /deputatul-maricela-cobuz-a-plantat-puieti-de-arbori/
10 → /bucovina-va-fi-promovata-la-viena/
11 → /bucovina-activ/
12 → /in-curtea-scolii/
13 → /bucovina-retrospectiv/
14 → /90-de-minute-exclusiv/
15 → /bucovina-sport-action/
16 → /raportul-de-seara/
17 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole/
18 → /realitatea-medicala/
19 → /sara-pe-deal/
20 → /live/
21 → /anunturi/
22 → /contact/
23 → /ambasadorul-sua-in-romania-hans-klemm-doneaza-carti-bibliotecii/
24 → /29-de-persoane-angajate/
25 → /pilotul-vasile-niculescu-cetatean-de-onoare-post-mortem/
26 → /proiect-erasmus-la-scoala-3/
27 → /proba-practica-pentru-traseu-va-fi-sustinuta-pe-30-aprilie/
28 → /o-noua-zi-libera/
29 → /munca-desfasurata-de-zilieri-va-fi-controlata/
30 → /isu-suceava-recruteaza-noi-voluntari/
31 → /implementarea-programului-de-guvernare/
32 → /bursa-generala-a-locurilor-de-munca/
33 → /bioluminiscenta-in-lumea-vie/
34 → /200-de-puieti-planta-pe-raza-municipiului-radauti/
35 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-17-aprilie-2018/
36 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-16-aprilie-2018/
37 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-4-aprilie-2018/
38 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-28-martie-2018/
39 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-21-martie-2018/
40 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-20-martie-2018/
41 → /la-o-vorba-cu-mesterul-manole-14-martie-2018/

Suspicious script found.

Web application version:
WordPress version: 4.9.5
All in One SEO Pack version:
WordPress theme: htxps://www.bucovinatv.ro/wp-content/themes/truemag/

Sucuri does not flag site.

Error in

status: saved 97184 bytes 076524186dbbdd4c41afbbd6b260d9e46a095811
info: ActiveXDataObjectsMDAC detected Microsoft.XMLHTTP
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
error: undefined variable n
file: 076524186dbbdd4c41afbbd6b260d9e46a095811: 97184 bytes

-www.bucovinatv.ro/wp-content/themes/truemag/js/bootstrap.min.js?ver=4.9.5 benign saved 27731 bytes 358a7c0fe1fdad2e8d2cba1b216d02ba99bc7f6b info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript error: undefined variable jQuery error: undefined variable a.fn error: line:1: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement: error: line:1: var a.fn = 1; error: line:1: ....^
using a variable (in global scope only) inside a function causes this (info credits go to Stack Overflow's vim).

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)