wordpress errors


I have a strange issue on the wordpress sites hosted on my server. I am unable to view any of them in PC’s which have Avast!

The site sdisplays for about half a second and then I see an error page saying:

[i][b]"The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."[/b][/i]

eg http://www.thedaytonariots.com

This only happens on my server and not on any wordpress sites I have created on other servers.

I have spoken to my host and they say there is no virus on my server and that they think it is somethnig to do with a wordpress plugin.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Sucuri scanner say that url is infected


Unmaskparasites - suspicious - 2 suspicious inline scripts found

Wepawet - malicious

@ thedaytonariots
Is this a local server of one that hosts the site ?

I have been able to visit the site and clicked on the general headings without problem or alert from avast.

Strange Pondus’s UnmaskParasites report shows Clean, no sign of suspicious inline scripts. I didn’t see any in the home page source either.

It might be a local DNS issue depending on how your router handles loopback traffic.

You might need to add your domain name to your hosts file and point it to that computer’s IP address.

Wordpress acts funky when the name is set to “x” and you try to access it at “y”. Usually though, the site will come up, but look strange because it can’t find the CSS to draw the page correctly. Also, links won’t work because they’re hardcoded to that address.

This doesn’t seem like a new site though, so I imagine that it HAS been working from the computers in question before. Has anything changed in your network setup recently?

Strange Pondus's UnmaskParasites report shows Clean, no sign of suspicious inline scripts. I didn't see any in the home page source either.
it now also appear clean at Sucuri....so somone have done some work here ;)

Guess it’s not a network issue then.

Norman analysis confirms it was infected

wxw.thedaytonariots.com.htm : Processed - JS/Agent.WL