I think I discovered a workaround for version 4.8.1169 . Some of us were (are) having this trouble
1.- Boot your machine
2.- At Startup appear your desktop wallpaper
3.- It “stop” loading the rest of startup programs (no icons in your desktop)
4.- After a 5 minutes delay completes startup processes
So I was thinking of a temporary solution
1.- Disable Index Service :My Computer → C: Drive (where Windows was installed) right button click then uncheck the option “Allow Index Server to index the drive to speed the search” (rough translation) from Spanish to English
2.- Open Avast GUI, select Menu → Settings → Troubleshooting → Disable rootkit scan on system startup
It should work, anyway I would like receive feedback from everyone who is experience this problem
And to the developement team, please I hope you may fix this issue ;), and to the community in general, please feel free to post your issues regarding this problem
Thanks in advance
Kindly regards
[b]Revision 11th April 2008
Hi again, I was testing the issue in this posting and in FAT32 systems does not exists the option “Allow Index Server to index the drive to speed the search” and for those who have NTFS it isn’t need to disable the Index Server"
To the moderators and developement team (with all my respect)
As for the messages posts relating this issue it’s clearly a 4.8.1169’s issue because version 4.7.x never had this glitch , anyway I would appreciate any feedback, thanks in advance
Kindly regards
Flash news : according to Vlk in 1 or 2 weeks there will be a new build , here is the link