Workaround for the Startup Freeze Issue version 4.8.1169 REVISITED

I think I discovered a workaround for version 4.8.1169 . Some of us were (are) having this trouble

1.- Boot your machine
2.- At Startup appear your desktop wallpaper
3.- It “stop” loading the rest of startup programs (no icons in your desktop)
4.- After a 5 minutes delay completes startup processes

So I was thinking of a temporary solution

1.- Disable Index Service :My Computer → C: Drive (where Windows was installed) right button click then uncheck the option “Allow Index Server to index the drive to speed the search” (rough translation) from Spanish to English
2.- Open Avast GUI, select Menu → Settings → Troubleshooting → Disable rootkit scan on system startup

It should work, anyway I would like receive feedback from everyone who is experience this problem

And to the developement team, please I hope you may fix this issue ;), and to the community in general, please feel free to post your issues regarding this problem :wink:

Thanks in advance

Kindly regards
MiguelAngelXP :slight_smile:

[b]Revision 11th April 2008

Hi again, I was testing the issue in this posting and in FAT32 systems does not exists the option “Allow Index Server to index the drive to speed the search” and for those who have NTFS it isn’t need to disable the Index Server"

To the moderators and developement team (with all my respect) :slight_smile:
As for the messages posts relating this issue it’s clearly a 4.8.1169’s issue because version 4.7.x never had this glitch , anyway I would appreciate any feedback, thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Kindly regards

Flash news : according to Vlk in 1 or 2 weeks there will be a new build , here is the link

This is exactly what I’m experiencing also…

Hi guys

May not be related but during the 5 minute delay:
Are there icons on the desktop?
If yes, does anything happen if you double-click on them?
Does the Taskbar disappear during the delay and reappear later?

In my case:
Icons load up to desktop nicely and also Avast! + few other programs to Taskbar but then it freezes.
Mouse will move but when I click an icon, nothing happens. It doesn’t come active…
And if I have, for example clicked an icon and pressed ctrl+alt+del to get taskmanager before the freeze up, they all come in once after it.
If that makes any sense… :-\

If I recall, Taskbar stays active and doesn’t disappear.
It’s like Miguel said, a delay in processes startup.

What is loading at startup besides avast?
It may be something else causing this or a combination of things that are loading.
Have you disabled other things from loading at boot time to see if it make a difference?

I’m not at home at the moment but I can say that this problem emerged after Avast! 4.8 update. There were NO problems before that…

I remember reading from somewhere that “Allow Index Service to index this disk for fast file searching” is turned on by default in NTFS drive but is this also true in FAT drives…?

Although, I have to say that I’m not too keen to alter computer options since the problem clearly became after Avast! update… :frowning:

Just checked:
There is no “Allow Index Service to index this disk for fast file searching” on my FAT drive…

People that experience freezes…
Which other security program are you running?
Which firewall are you using?
Which operational system (if not mentioned) are you using?

Freezing seems conflict…
Maybe autoruns from Microsoft has something to say:

Also, you can take a look into Vlk’s post here:

AV program: only Avast!

  • also have Spybot S&D (but I installed it after this issue had remarged…)
    Firewall: Comodo Firewall Pro (had no issues with 4.7 version)
    OS: XP MCE 2005 SP2

wursti, it’s difficult to guess…
Can you check the folder \data\log
Are there any files called unpXXXX there (where XXXX is a random number)?
If so, send them to vlk (at)
They may contain more information about the problem (maybe a link to this thread).

[b]1.- Disable Index Service :My Computer -> C: Drive (where Windows was installed) right button click then uncheck the option "Allow Index Server to index the drive to speed the search (rough translation) from Spanish to English[/b]
I once got 4.8v to load at start up, with delay of course and even ran a full scan on C:\ drive. Ok the system was slow to a crawl, but still there was no freeze.

It froze immediately after doing a simple index search, like in the picture attached. I guess it messes up the index creation at start-up or sth. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to do tests, but whoever has this problem, try disabling the Index Service, this might actually work!

Try to see if the latest beta version solves this.
Please see here for more information.

Answering your question Vlad (scary abbreviation) hehehehe ;D but during the 5 minutes delay the desktop is empty without the taskbar

Regards ;D

I’ve seen negative interaction between avast! 4.8, WinPatrol and Process Explorer. If all 3 were set to start with Windows (PE by inserting a shortcut in the ‘startup’ folder) the Taskbar and desktop icons would appear but then the tasbar immediately disappear for a few minutes during which no disk or network activity was apparent. Clicking the ‘My computer’ desktop icon during this period would open the menu box but no icons, just white space with a border. Then suddenly the taskbar appeared and tray icons loaded as quickly as usual. Removing any one of the 3 solved the problem (At the moment it’s Winpatrol).

Have you tried (temporarily) removing Online Armour?

:o Vlad the Impaler! ;D ;D

Files sent to Vlk, hope them helps! :slight_smile:

Hi Vlad :

Well actually I was wondering about Online Armor, but I’m already I have been very busy testing this version and I’m sort of getting tired (in the good sense), so I will let it go, and leave the program as it is.

Kindly regards
MiguelAngelXP ;D

I forgot to acknowledge your help Vlad, thanks pal ;D

Kindly Regards

MiguelAngelXP, you are so great, follow your guide, I startup my PC successfully, thank you! ;D

This thread is quite confusing, I have to say.
Can anyone please confirm/deny that build 1178 solves the problem?
