Working on translations misses spells and glitchs/bugs when ?

Just wondering as i see many spellings faults on my French version and i would like that translator if they want to check each versions and i seen others languages too. So maybe time for a program pdate to include correction in spellings words ?

Also glitchs/bugs of buttons or bars… There many i reported and i seen no change its like that i talk alone. Its make the program less better as the glitchs are kinda noticeable… Its very easy to go in UI and surf then find not normal things. I would say that the translator or an avast! employee to do this as there no only in UI and WebRep also with the Help Center and maybe Main Settings also. All that in French Version i dont know if others did notice strange thing on their translated version but me i kinda easy do notice it.

After 10 reports if not more nothing else changed from 5.0 or 6.0 builds. Its getting very worst time by time. Next time i guess would be a UI no access or a unworking shield ? I hope NO…


There are mistakes and untranslated sentences in the Russian version too. I think Avast needs a “linguistic reboot”.

I don’t think so; the few untranslated items will simply be updated in the next program build.
What mistakes are there in the Russian version, except for the one in the popup dialog?

I think if they are partner with Google what about a Google Translate over all the program with their tools ? Check and see if there miss spell and no translated word in the back then be happy after.

I hope you are joking…

Maybe a good thing would be too is to simply delete this french forum and like somes are unhappy of the translate maybe put Google Translate into up ? Like Languages [French] with scrolls so per language its automatic do translate the forum. You could combine this with the website main language. So all things would be translate to the language of the user choice. Also international zone is there so you could make others languages you do not have in the web main page to add it there. So International Zone might go also the same “Section name (native name language)” and “Description in english (language name in english”. So just that would make a big go avast!. So next wave would be the product and glitchs/bugs i can say that its going worst as i said in French.

Its like 1 new bug/glitch that is added in every program update…

And here you can see a screenshot from Sandbox options:

lol igor no for offense im not joking… As you can see in WebRep module help center. You see WebbRep or WepRep. lol do you think that is funny to just miss spell the name of the module in the text and no in the section name ? There many spell wrong there and its not only WebRep word.

Im pleasure that you at least read me (if you do). Im very paranoid about this and your Wikipedia. Maybe avast! could resolve this about making a team of just check miss spell ? There alots of work i guess so when there something change that team could help you to keep you updated with the informations.

Like Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Blog, Program Translation, etc… All that have sense to informations and words.

So make better feeling for ppl.

Sorry if i offense you at avast! by saying this its not my point.


The first one is the one I was referring to (popup settings), and regarding the second screenshot - I don’t see any mistakes there, only untranslated items - and they are already translated in the last program update, at least for me.

Igor did you notice that no any translate people did translate the Google use in Main Settings ?

Is this fixed yet ?

Sorry Mr. Agent, but does it really cause you any problem with understanding if you see “WebbRep”? I will fix the typo of course, but I’m sure there won’t be any special spell-check team created. I wish we only had this kind of problems/bugs in avast!.

Yes, I’m aware of the untranslated items - for example that one about Google.
The new texts have simply been added into the program too shortly before the release, so there was no time to let them translated. The item is quite hidden (meaning that it’s not really the title on the main page of avast!), so most users won’t ever see that (at least before it’s translated in the next program update). That’s simply a scenario that has happened in the past, and will quite certainly happen again in the future.

And what about this topic: ?

There WepRep miss spelled also the others typo are not that big but at least WebRep the right one of course will be no typo as in the name of the section. Its strange for you maybe but i can say i almost made a topic to explain “What is WebbRep or WepRep ?” lol i was like wow a new WebRep nice… But no its wasnt im not that … lol

Nothing to do with the translation, that’s for the GUI guys.

OK, I’ll fix WepRep, too :wink:

lol igor i almost laugh at that joke when i seen WepRep in the Help Center…

There more you can think too. Here is the english parts that isnt translated in French.

  1. Another translation missing… Its in the sandbox, behavior shield, autosandbox i think that all its for when you want to add a process there still “enter program name” that isnt yet not translated in french… (Exclusion, Process to sandbox)

  2. Firewall and scans logs english to french very fast… This is like not fixed until 5.0 or around 5.0/6.0 versions !!! (when you want to empty it or visit the section)


Sorry for double post igor.

But thank you for fix that at least. Even if there others then my english parts i did find (maybe there more i dont know lol) then its will be finally fixed and im just glad you respond me finally…