I haven’t been infected for years so my removal skills are non-existent. Avast Home on-access scanner first discovered this infection in a file in the X1 desktop search folder: bszip.dll. I understand bszip.dll is a common zip utility. Avast was unable to clean it and I have been unable to delete the X1 folder (or remove the program) because the computer reports that I don’t have sufficient privileges. An attempted scan of that folder by Avast failed because Avast reported that the folder doesn’t exist. I am currently doing a thorough scan of the entire drive, but I wonder what the next step is. My next step is a boot scan. Can someone recommend a how-to if I need to do more? Thanks.
A boot time scanning is not bad.
Maybe using ewido and a-squared in the Admin account will be good too.
There is a possibility (in my opinion) of this detection be a false positive.
Can you submit the file to on-line scanners? Jotti Trendmicro Virustotal ewido
That was also the reason for giving the technical detail, so jim can establish himself that this is real or a FP. The latter was crossing my mind also, but better make sure once and for all.
If uploading reveals that there is a FP involved, he should send the file to avast,