Worm.SCO.A - Is this a known virus?

I received this message today:

A virus was found in an Email message you sent.
This Email scanner intercepted it and stopped the entire message
reaching its destination.

The virus was reported to be: Worm.SCO.A

Is this a known virus? A search of the forum reveals nil.


SCO.A is yet-another name for MyDoom.
These mail notifications just don’t make any sense because the virus actually forges sender’s address - so if avast doesn’t find any virus on your computer, you’re clean…

Much obliged VLK - I’m impressed with your quick response!

The open source virus scanner ClamAV, installed on many email gateways, picks it up as Worm.SCO.A. It also detects the new “B” variant as Worm.SCO.A.