I think if the developer team do it, it would work really greater than what it do now, for example and exact version that be specified programmed for Windows vista and one for W7 and interface of that and…
am I thinking wrong?
I think if they do, the setup file would be smaller, the interface more interesting and features more compatible with each O/S, would take longer time for developers, but better result, I did not write it in wish-list, because I guess they have talked about it already
No as far as I’m aware it will be one installation (read two Home & Pro versions), the program will be compatible with all OS versions you mentioned, as they already are in 4.8 (works fine with windows7 Beta/RC versions).
It IMHO would make little difference as essentially the use the same functions/files any overhead for supporting all on one installation file would save on having multiple different versions to maintain.
Certainly not. The particular editions would be almost identical, and maintaining multiple versions of the sources would be… very inefficient and confusing. (Not speaking of the fact that the users would be confused too, I bet quite a lot of them would download the wrong edition).