Would having Internet Security on my system make the entire house network not wk

I’m being accused of causing the entire househould to not be able to get online because I installed the Internet Security on my systme and that the firewall included in it has now blocked everyone from getting online.

Is this possible? If so, now that I’ve uninstalled it (to keep the peace with the landlady), what else can I do or do I need to do?

Thank you!

Are you sure you do not mean Avast! Internet Security? Pro version has no firewall.

That could be - sorry. Regardless, I’m being accused of my update to it caused the problem.

I’m online via my blackberry, so I hesitate to go look. (I’m taking a class).

I’ve changed it - thanks. Yes, that is what I had on here, upgrading from the free version.

Of course, that is not on purpose :slight_smile:
Do you have any other firewall in that machine?
Any other security program that could interfere?

Oh, I was able to get online from the start after I installed it. After I was traveling and it seems my setting kept changing with each new place and network, when I came back home, I was able to only connect to the network, but not to the internet.

Isn’t it a problem with your ISP then?

Yeah, that’s MY thought, but my PSYCHO landlady is thinking that because I installed this update, that it’s all MY fault.

The avast Internet Security (AIS) suite is a personal computer solution, so it shouldn’t have any impact on the entire household.

Presumably there is a network in the household to which ‘you’ connect to get internet access ?

Unless it was your computer that had the main connection to the internet and they all connected (Internet Connection Sharing) via your system might there be a slight possibility of a connection problem, but I can’t see it.

Now that you have uninstalled AIS, are they the household able to connect ?

No, I am not the main computer through which people connect, and no, they still cannot connect. When I run a diagnostic on mine, it says that there is a problem with the DSN configuration.

I’m TRYING to explain to the land lady that if it WERE my computer, then the program would have blocked everything at the hotel I was just at, etc. She won’t hear me. Something happened around the time when I installed the program, so of course, it’s ALL my fault.

So there is your answer for the landlady, even with avast removed the problem exists. Avast doesn’t make changed to LAN settings, especially external systems or networks to which it is installed.

I don’t know what security the landlady has on the network, but it shouldn’t be easy to change any settings that would impact on the network as it should be locked down/password protected. More so when this isn’t a family network environment.

Though I don’t know how you can open her eyes to that.