Hello. After my sister’s recent infection, and my Dad’s worrying about Koobface and other Facebook malware, I was wondering if there are specific things to avoid on Facebook, so I can pass it on to them. Thank you.
Most of the articles just repeat the same.
Since most on Facebook use IM, here is also something on IM safety>>
If your parents lack a sense of humor, maybe skip the first linked article, they might not like the title. ;D
Thank you. That’s exactly what I was looking for. I’m also trying to get them to have layers of security, instead of their Norton suite.
My sister is also constantly posting things she likes to her Wall, and all are links to other sites like:
and http://likans.bon.biz/p.php?p=29964
I’ve clicked on all and nothing bad happens, but I’ve been wondering if these can be bad?
Run any url you have doubts about through here>>http://urlvoid.com/
Norton Suite 2011 scans your Facebook walls