Writes a virus on the domain without a site!

The domain has been bought and at attempt of transition to it the antivirus swore - but I to it have not betrayed value.

Yesterday have filled in a site on it and the same result!
http://2ip.ru/site-virus-scaner/ have checked up all than only it is possible and all the same swears. And here have still placed сайдбар on other site from it http://discountsale.su/ and now Avast swears on both sites - but sites читсые!!! Checked also Google and than only it is possible but after all as аваст worked when the naked domain without a site stood???
Please solve as that a question - I do not want to pass to other antivirus because of an error! And the site is popular the second
(From a hosting the answer: all чичто but probably earlier the domain not belonged to a good site and at you the history bad has remained and it needs to be cleaned)
In advance thanks! I hope for the fast permission of a problem!
In the appendix the data on all antiviruses!

Был куплен домен и при попытке перехода на него ругался антивирус - но я значения этому не предал.

Вчера залили сайт на него и тот же результат!
http://2ip.ru/site-virus-scaner/ проверили всем чем только можно и все равно ругается. А тут еще разместили сайд бар на другом сайте от этого http://discountsale.su/ и тепрь аваст ругается на оба сайта - но сайты читсые!!! Проверяли и гуглом и чем только можно но ведь как аваст срабатывал когда голый домен без сайта стоял???
Пожалуйста решите как то вопрос - я не хочу переходить на другой антивирус из-за погрешности! Да и сайт популярен второй
(от хостинга ответ: все чичто но возможно ранее принадлежал домен не хорошему сайту и у вас сохранилась история плохая и ее нужно почистить)
Заранее спасибо! Надеюсь на скорое разрешение проблемы!
В приложении данные по всем антивирусам!


AVG: http://www.avgthreatlabs.com/website-safety-reports/domain/live-review.com/ (Clean)
Virustotal:https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/1ee599e8446d5065ffe4f1f1b65cee678d4ca4df51a3a49387555b7979ab47f8/analysis/1378929364/ (Clean)
Sucuri: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/scanner/?scan=http%3A%2F%2Flive-review.com%2F (Clean)

Zulu is detecting some suspicious things now.


I will inform Polonus about that. :wink:

Polonus is notified but it can take some time till he arrives. :wink:

Thanks. I very bad speake english :slight_smile:
I hope you to me will help

Hi savka-mr

Probably the domain is clean and then it should be excluded from the blocking of the general IP, that has various malware issues →
There may be external link issues according to this scan: http://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/62098e069196a3c730674f8ecf6df472-1378929487
Check these and if your website has been cleansed, file a FP report. You can report a possible FP here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php.
Site is vulnerable because of WP vulnerabilities:
WordPress version: WordPress 3.6
Wordpress Version 3.5 for: ht\xp://live-review.com//wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-response.js
WordPress theme: htxp://live-review.com/wp-content/themes/extranews/
Wordpress internal path: /home/discou00/live-review.com/www/wp-content/themes/extranews/index.php
which theme is hackable, read here: http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/10/09/four-malware-infections-wordpress/ link article author = Siobhan McKeown
For a translation I asked for help from the Russian sub-forum, they will soon come here to report in Russian…


Thanks for help!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: