Wrong download file used for first time user perhaps.

I am slighty worried now so let me begin.

I didn’t have Avast on my computer before I installed the pre-release 4.1.1178

Why do I see 2 files in my windows temp folder, one being setupeng 21,645 kb and the other being aswbeta 38 kb, as I thought the latter was only to be used if you had Avast previously installed.

Actually I see that I installed the correct file called setupeng at time 10:16, but I wonder why I see the aswbeta file created at 10:20 which is 4 minutes later on the same date in the same temp folder, does this sound normal? would this second file be automatically downloaded during the first installation of the program itself, as I can’t remember downloading that aswbeta file separately, or even executing it.

Would this aswbeta file that was created 4 minutes later be there due to the first program being told to update or something during or after installtion of the Avast 4.8?

You would have to have avast on your system to be able to run aswbeta.exe as it upgraded an existing regular avast version to the beta.

I would have thought those files wouldn’t be in windows temp unless you are using that for your downloaded files ?

If so I suggest you have a separate folder, ‘C:\downloads’ for want of another location (I have mine on a different partition d:\downloads), otherwise you will be putting lots of stuff in the windows folder and if you use something like ccleaner you will lose the stuff you downloaded.

Thanks DavidR,

I do use either the WINDOWS/TEMP folder, or sometimes I use one called SPARE, but those 2 files I mention are in the temp folder that I used, and I wondered why that other file would have downloaded.

Also would I have had to download that second file after installing the 4.8 version?

You could theoretically download aswbeta.exe at any time but you just couldn’t use it until you had avast installed.

Because of those previous log errors I reported awhile back I uninstalled and re-installed Avast again, and those same errors appeared.
I have informed vlk about them to see what he thinks.

I havent used that aswbeta.exe the second time around, do I need to?

If you don’t run aswbeta.exe then you will be on version 4.8.1169 and not the beta 4.8.1178, missing out on the corrections in the beta.

Then how come when I click on about Avast the build says Apr2008 [4.8.1178]

Plus the set up file on properties says 4.8.1178.0


I think you are slightly mistaken on this, remember I did not have Avast on my system as I uninstalled completely, so that other beta file is really only to be used for folks that have Avast already installed that want to go for the Beta.

This is the link I used, and unless I am wrong this link includes the 1178 Beta.

http://public.avast.com/~vlk/4.8.1178/setupeng.exe (Home Edition, English version)

Can someone confirm this please?

Because you downloaded the direct link of the ‘full’ avast beta version and not the regular release from the avast web site. As you can see from the link it is in vlk’s web space and Vlk’s comments on the Topic where that link was, it was for those who wanted to do a clean install of the beta version.

So no need to convert to beta using that link.