Wrong WebRep on "www.lemonde.fr" website ("Google bombing" equivalent ?)


Today, I visited this website : http://www.lemonde.fr/ website (a famous French newspaper).
Avast WebRep shows (see attachment) :

  • 1 green bar : “This site has good rating (based on a small number of votes)”
  • 1 red category : “Pornography”.
    => The category “Pornography” is definitely inaccurate.

More generally, how avast team handle the risk of “Google bombing” equivalent in avast WebRep ?

I can’t see any rating there (not enough votes).

Strange… I’m in France. Maybe there is several data centers for WebRep (which aren’t frequently synchronized ?)…

laisse tomber, web rep est un outil ne servant essentiellement qu’à fournir des stats à Avast. Aucun intérêt d’un strict point de vue de sécurité, enfin assez limité.

translation: forget WebRep ;D

I think avast WebRep, McAfee SiteAdvisor, Google Safe Browsing… etc. are just partial information and not a silver bullet against infected websites.

But as Webmaster, I’m concerned about the fact that third party software can discourage users from visiting some of my websites.

I get the same results.

Someone voted incorrectly. I think that they’ll fix this very soon.