Wrong Year for Post Verification Question

It’s Jan 6th, 2024 - how is it possible this board/forum still thinks it is 2023 and that is the correct answer for “What is the current year?” when posting??

It is a very long time since I have had to do that and now that you have 3 posts (anti-spam measure) you shouldn’t have to do this again.

I don’t know if this is a forum software issue (not provided by Avast but SMS) or down to Administrators to change or not.

EDIT: Just checked a list of my recent posts and that is showing the correct year.

There must be some disconnect between the year for the anti-spam measure, and the year listed for posts/replies. Or they are just totally separate fields / systems.

Its hard to say as an Avast User, ordinarily you have to log-on to connect to the forum that although allows connection to your forum account (though I believe it is checked on id.avast.com not internally on the forum).

Posting checks/validation used to be done using Captcha, many complained this was too difficult and had several attempts to get it right. So I don’t know if this is a replacement or addition to Captcha as it is around 20 years since I was a Newbie and had to go through this.

This issue is there for years, and we had this kind of topics before. :-\
Afaik it’s up to Admins for changing answer for “current year” question.

Thank you for posting on the Avast community. Do you mind sharing screenshots? Thanks.

Hi Gayathri_R, this is from 2021 but I believe it is still the same…

Yes, the captcha form is asking for the current year and it won’t accept 2024. It is now 10 January 2024.

thank you for notice. I have changed it to 2024 now (I did not know I can do it ;-)).



Thanks, I would have expected the ‘Administrators’ to have jumped on this much sooner as we also reported it in another location.

Another current example: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=326073.msg1714234#msg1714234

New user has two posts.

That post though pre-dates the fix by ‘Milos’ so when they come up for the third post it shouldn’t occur.